Friday, July 27, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Late Thursday night, the House Agriculture Committee approved their version of the Farm Bill. After two hectic days of amendments and some furious behind-the-scenes negotiation, the results were mixed - On the bright side: Country-of-origin labeling remained intact due to incoming emails from constituents which helped keep COOL alive and on track to go into effect in 2008!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Although the farm bill has far-reaching consequences for the food supply, most people outside the Midwestern Farm Belt, which gets huge farm bill subsidies, have ignored it.
This year, things are different. Sullivan's trip down the aisle, and the book, are part of a wave of populist activism, much of it centered in the Bay Area, that is trying to change how a big chunk of farm bill money is spent.
The short version of the argument -- and nothing is short when it comes to the mind-numbing, complex farm bill -- is that the bill subsidizes the overproduction of corn and soy in the Midwest, which is driving up obesity and diabetes and polluting the land. Instead, they say, the farm bill should put more money into sustainable and organic food production, agricultural conservation and efforts to put a higher priority on fresh, local fruits and vegetables - Their slogan: It's the food, health and farm bill.
"I want you to realize how many people in the Bay Area are talking about this," Sullivan said he told Feinstein - READ MORE
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

please tell the US congress to preserve the last remnants of rural agriculture in built-out cities! - let's help create community-based, volunteer-operated (organic?) farms to bring together communities and seed grass-roots actions! - CONTACT THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES @ and/or THE UNITED STATES SENATE @ > then feel free to tell your local leaders how you feel about this issue as well @
THE FACTS ABOUT LOAM SOIL - Loam soils are gritty, plastic when moist, and retain water easily. They generally contain more nutrients than sandy soils. In addition to the term loam, different names are given to soils with slightly different proportions of sand, silt, and clay: sandy loam, silty loam, clay loam, sandy clay loam, silty clay loam.

> "I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty, which will protect the beauty of our natural environment, which will preserve the great old American houses and squares and parks of our national past and which will build handsome and balanced cities for our future" - John F. Kennedy
Lynyrd Skynyrd › All I Can Do Is Write About It - 4:21 (Allen Collins -- Ronnie Vanzant)
Well this life that I've lead has took me everywhere - There aint no place I aint never gone - But it's kind of like the saying that you heard so many times; Well there just aint no place like home - Did you ever see a she-gator protect her young? - Or a fish in a river swimming free? - Did you ever see the beauty of the hills of carolina? - Or the sweetness of the grass in tennessee? - And lord I can't make any changes - All I can do is write 'em in a song - I can see the concrete slowly creepin' - Lord take me and mine before that comes - Do you like to see a mountain stream a-flowin'? - Do you like to see a young one with his dog? - Did you ever stop to think, well, about the air your breathin'? - Well you better listen to my song - And lord I can't make any changes - All I can do is write 'em in a song - I can see the concrete slowly creepin' - Lord take me and mine before that comes - I'm not tryin to put down no big cities - But the things they write about us is just a bore - Well you can take a boy out of ol' dixieland - But you'll never take ol' dixie from a boy...
And lord I can't make any changes - All I can do is write 'em in a song - I can see the concrete slowly creepin' - Lord take me and mine before that comes - Cause I can see the concrete slowly creepin' - Lord take me and mine before that comes...
> 22 jul 2007 / UPDATE: since posting this blog segment, the dormant side of the field has been plowed...